Link to posting of current job openings
Link to breakfast and lunch menus
Link to Focus  which is the school data system
Link to Class Link Portal (student and teacher access to programs and websites)
Parent focus portal
2025 ESE Parent Survey
 The Florida Department of Education announces the launch of the redesigned Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Parent Survey for the current academic year. The survey is open to all parents of children with an individual educational plan receiving ESE services from preschool through grade 12. It is not intended for parents of students receiving only gifted services through an educational plan. Students with disabilities aged 18 or older may complete this survey. 

Focus Parent Instructions

Focus Parent Instructions

Searchable Book Library

Library Book Database

Accessing FAST Scores

Parents and Guardians,
To access your students F.A.S.T. Scores please log in to the Parent Focus Portal and click on the Florida Statewide Assessments Image. This will direct you to their results.
Accessing FAST Scores
Open Enrollment is here!
Now through April 30, 2025, you can lock in the cost of college for less with a Florida 529 Prepaid Plan. With affordable, fixed monthly payments, saving for college has never been easier.
 Prepaid Plans are:
  • Risk-free- guaranteed by the State of Florida so you never lose your investment.
  • Flexible- the value can be used at schools nationwide
  • Affordable- fixed monthly payments allow you to buy one year at a time to fit your budget and savings goals.  

Florida Prepaid


Welcome to Taylor County School District

Over 2,800 students attend public schools in Taylor County.  The Taylor County School District is committed to providing a safe, supportive, unified environment that empowers students and educators to work collaboratively as successful life-long learners positively impacting our community. This website provides our district a unique opportunity to showcase the many outstanding schools and programs within our county. Please don't hesitate to contact us and let us know if we can be of assistance to you.

Click on link to go to Fortify Fl website
Fortify Fl is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. Anyone who knowingly submits a false tip through Fortify Florida, may be subject to further investigations by law enforcement as well as subject to penalties.
Click on link to go to Transparency Florida website
Click on link to go to PAEC Website.  TCSD is member of this organization.

Taylor County School District provides free breakfast and lunch to ALL students.

Florida Empowerment Scholarship

The Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES) Program was established during the 2019 Legislative Session to enhance Florida's menu of education options. It will provide children whose families have limited financial resources with the opportunity to attend the school that best meets their needs and enables them to reach their academic goals.  If you need further information please contact Mrs. Jill Rudd (TCSD Director of Instruction) at 1-850-838-2500 or you can email her at

Link to Family Empowerment Scholarship Page on FLDOE website:

For additional resources please use the following link:

Frequently Requested Forms

Parent Hot Links


Taylor County Schools is not responsible for the content provided on “related” and “promoted” videos that are accessible from our school media sites.  These related videos and comments expressed on them do not reflect the opinions and position of Taylor County Schools or its employees.

